About Me

Over all health is one of the biggest concerns in the world today. However, I say let's not neglect the health of your intellect. Learn about a product that can improve your health and a business that can improve your finances. Invest in your overall health everyday and in every way! Welcome to Health And Beauty From A Fruit

Friday, January 21, 2011

All About Perspective

It can be very difficult to prevent feeling bogged down by the ups and down of life. Everything can be going just fine one minute and then life throws you a curve ball. I've learned the importance of keeping things in perspective. I am not speaking about your personal point of view, I am referring to the true understanding of the relative importance of things. Anyone can do this, and it involves only a few steps! Be open minded! Take your time and objectively weigh the pros and cons, educate yourself before you assume, talk to people who know first hand, and finally consider what's best for you.

Things happen all the time. That's how life has been and that's how it will always be. The question is how will you allow your circumstances to affect you? Positively or negatively? When I feel overwhelmed with decisions that I must make I often ask myself, "am I looking at this from the correct perspective?" If my answer is yes, I can comfortably move on to the next step in my problem solving activity. The more you hone this skill the easier problem solving becomes. It is a very powerful tool in business and in life.

I recommend you try it, see if it makes a difference in your life and your business. For those of you who may be afraid to take chances, the next time you feel the urge to pass up an opportunity that is presented to you, do yourself a favor, make sure that you take some time to examine it from the right perspective before making a decision against something. The opportunity might just be worth the risk. Look at it this way, ultimately the decision is yours, so why not make it a thoughtful one? You may see it as small carefully thought out decisions, however, this alteration in your decision making process could change your life! It can become the determining factor in the success of your career, personal life or business!


  1. This did hit home Terry..Very good post and to the point...

  2. Excellent perspective about life and business. You hit home when you wrote,"For those of you who may be afraid to take chances, the next time you feel the urge to pass up an opportunity that is presented to you, do yourself a favor, make sure that you take some time to examine it from the right perspective before making a decision against something. The opportunity might just be worth the risk" I believe the old saying goes, "Anything worth having will require going through hell to get."

    Thank you, I feel more prepared to make decisions!

  3. Thank you Aimee! That old saying sure is true! A friend of mine once told me if everything were to come easy in life, everyone would have all the same accomplishments and those accomplishments would lose their value! I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the future! Stay positive!

  4. Danni Thank you...sorry I responded so late. Thanks for the positive feed back!

  5. Ive been through a few unfortunate cicumstances in my life. I am in the process now of rebounding. I appreciate your introspective regarding decision making and perspective. Encouraging. This is by far my fvorite blog(so far). I know you have much more to share, and we all await. Thank You!

  6. Hello Alias! Thank you for your comment! It is exciting to know that my perspective on life is encouraging to you! I appreciate you taking the time out to respond and I look forward to reading more responses from you! Stay positive. :)
